Monday, December 5, 2011

Moon Phase Deer Hunting

Moon Phase Deer Hunting 
Much of the research that has been done on this subject has involved hunting deer, and many hunters swear that hunting by moon phase is the only way to accurately predict deer activity. 
But the moon doesn't only have an impact on deer activity. The various phases of the moon also seem to have a direct effect on deer mating patterns, which in turn make them easier to locate. It's because of this that moon phase deer hunting -- as it's becoming commonly known -- is quickly gaining acceptance. 
Being aware of when the breeding season begins helps to determine travel patterns and areas of increased deer activity. When the breeding season is at its peak, finding deer is easier and finding more than one in a particular area more likely. 
So what does this have to do with the moon? A female deer's reproductive cycle is influenced by the different phases of the moon, and peaks in the three or four days surrounding the second full moon after the autumnal equinox. When the does are in heat, the bucks begin rubbing and scraping in an attempt to attract them. If you know when the full moon occurs, you can be at the right spot, at the right time, and have the best chance for success, luring the bucks into your site.
By being aware of the different moon phases, deer hunting can be far more successful. But not only that, it can also help you figure out when not to hunt. You aren't going to be successful after the deer have mated and even the phase when the bucks are chasing the does can be pretty fruitless. 
By becoming familiar with these patterns and planning ahead, hunting by moon phase will almost certainly lead to your best hunting season ever.

New Moon: rises at sunrise and sets at sunset
Full Moon: rises at sunset and sets at sunrise
First Quarter Moon: rises at noon and sets at midnight
Last Quarter Moon: rises at midnight and sets at noon

The best time to of the month to hunt is on a full moon.  There will be three feeding times during the day.  Another great time is when the moon is directly over head (my Dad swears by this and it works with fishing). you will have a two ours, one before and one after.
 If your thinking "well, I hunt the rut", don't be fooled.  The does are not affected by the rut only by there peak in estrus. So the bucks will follow the does when they go to feed.  
Small feed will happen 30 minutes before a moon rise and run 20 or 30 minutes past. The same goes for moon set.  A full moon will create poor hunting because the feeding times are in the nigh time ours.  When your in the stand they are nested under a tree all warm & cosy. 
 Find a lunar chart and map your hunts.  

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